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Smartphones are Hijacking Your Brain

Are you one of those millions of people who cannot let an hour pass without checking their smartphones? For sure your answer is going to be yes. So, without further ado let me tell you something. Your brain is hijacking your brain. Read on to find out what experts have to say about this.

The Google Effect

Smartphones are making people’s brains rely too much on information found on the internet. Looking for that perfect coffee shop? Check your smartphone. Want to know where you can find that great travel destination? Check your smartphone. For any information that you need, you always grab your phone right away. This only proves that your smartphone is hijacking your brain. Our brains have become too reliant on the information that we can find from the internet.We no longer bother to store and recall information from our brain which is supposed to be an unlimited hard-drive as well.

That Phantom Vibration Syndrome

A study revealed that 90 percent of smartphone users have phantom vibration syndrome. This is when people feel that something vibrates in their pocket and they immediately think it’s their smartphone even when it’s not there. The study also further revealed that many people believe that phones have become part of their bodies. A 2015 survey conducted by the experts from the University of Missouri showed that study participants who were separated from their phones reported having feelings of lost identity.

The Smartphone-Induced Anxiety

Being away from the phone for just 10 minutes is already enough to trigger anxious feelings. This statement is based from a 2014 experiment headed by Dr. Rosen. These anxious feelings manifest in the form of heart palpitations and sweaty palms. These symptoms occur as a result of the stress hormone cortisol flooding the brain. In turn, you may also find yourself feeling anxious seeing a smartphone even when it is not yours.

Difficulty Focusing

The use of smartphones has led many people to find it hard to focus. Not being able to check their smartphones for just five minutes is already enough to trigger anxious feelings. The constant barrage of information that people experience from all the notifications that come from their Facebook account, email, etc. have made focusing on a specific task such a struggle. Research shows that the average millennial is only able to focus on one thing for less than five minutes. Longer than that they will already find themselves switching to something else.

So, what’s the solution to all of these?

The best solution to all of these hijacking effect from smartphones is, apparently, to unplug. Although this can be too difficult to do especially now that we are living in a technology-dominated world. But, it is never impossible at all to do. People need to realize how these phones are affecting their psychology. The use of smartphones has been so inculcated in people’s lives that many say they just couldn’t imagine life without these phones.

Get disconnected before bedtime.

But, how do we avoid ourselves from being affected by these brain hijacking effects of phones? One way to do it is to avoid using it at least an hour before bedtime. This helps one to gain more sleep. And, having enough sleep night after night has been associated with improved brain power. Getting enough sleep allows the brain to process information better. Not to mention the enhanced capability to recall relevant information.

Eat brain-boosting foods.

Another way to counter the adverse effects of being too reliant on smartphone connectivity is to eat the right kinds of foods.Regular consumption of foods rich in omega three fatty acids such as kiwi, salmon, and walnuts can significantly improve brain health. Studies also showed that students who regularly eat these kinds of foods were found to have better academic performance.

Exercise regularly.

Exercise can do wonders in increasing the amount of gray matter in the brain. It helps ensure that your creative juices will keep on flowing. In other words, if you have trouble breaking your smartphone habit start indulging in physical activities that help you break a sweat.

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